Password method is the fastest one but the least secure. The password that you write will be a common password for all teachers to enter
the OlveraSecAdmin panel. If this password is revealed to a student, it must be changed inmediately.
This method cannot be used with parents.
Telegram method is the most secure one but requires more steps to login. This method can be used with parents.
Now you will be asked for the emails of all the teachers
and parents that will use OlveraSecAdmin. A telegramUser and a telegramPassword
will be generated for each user and then an unique password will be sent to them once per day to access OlveraSecAdmin.
To decice when can teachers or parents control students browsing you will be asked to fill a timetable.
Write the emails of all the teachers and parents that will use OlveraSec-Admin:
Emails of the parents and teachers that will use OlveraSec-Admin
As the Privacy Policy specifies, the emails will be stored but
wont be used to contact their owners unless we consider it necessary due to a malfunctioning. However, they will be used
to generate usernames similar to their respective emails. This is only necessary for the Telegram registration method
that was previously selected.
The imported .csv (coma separated values) must be like the following example: